Last friday we presented at the E-learning Showcase. Rea and Myself got up and shared our ideas about how we can improve the training department at the Chamber of Comemrce by implementing some of the e & m Learning resources we have discovered so far on our LearnScope journey.
We spoke about our experiences with devices such as wikis, blogs, RFID tags, eportfilios, protopaages etc. We dazzaled everyone with the amount of ideas we had for implementing this in our training environment and how they will benifit not only the Chamber but our students too.
We are very excited as management staff from the Chamber heard about our wonderful ideas and are keen at trailling a few resources to reach our long distance learners.
We will be trailling a learning table in the weeks to come and getting together a complete online resources for our students.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Elearning Showcase
Posted by
1:52 PM
Monday, October 15, 2007
Hi All,
The Chamber wanted to create a e-portfolio, which known as a electronic portfolio or digital portfolio it is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web.
i decided to experiment first with a Portfolio on myself, i have set it up as a resume' and have added pdf files, pictures and even created a slide show on there. i signed up for the free site e-port (below is a link to my page):
the username: chamber
password: commerce
This is a very simplistic verson of a E-portfolio, i would like to eventually apply this knowledge to creat a portfolio for students RPL for TAA. This E-portfolio demonstrates the user's abilities and is a platform for self-expression. And a advantage is if they are online, they can be maintained dynamically over time.
Posted by
11:11 AM
Monday, October 8, 2007
Podcast - customer service
Today Rea and myself did a podcast on customer service, we presented it in the form of a radio conversation. We used our radio identities Esme' and Rockie!!!
We will be putting it on a ipod, and Collette will be trailling it with her Vet in Schools students on Wednesday. We think it will be a useful tool in delivery units especially to the 'y generation'.
I am keen to hear what they think, as this will make learning more flexible.
Posted by
4:16 PM
Wednesday, October 3, 2007
Comic Story Boards
We've been corresponding with Marcus Ragus in Tasmania over the last couple of days and he's been assisting us creating story boards. He referred us to a cool site called and we've created a few story boards on customer service. Below are some links. We want to put these on to RFID tags and trial them on our VET in Schools students.
Posted by
10:08 AM